Friday, December 23, 2011

Take that!

So I got the call and the results from the I-131 scan done on 12/12/11 and guess what....I AM CANCER FREE! Yes, I kicked that cancer out of my body. This is a TRUE reason to be joyous and to truly celebrate life! I am unbelievably relieved and happy. The heavy feeling on my shoulders is gone. My family is completely HAPPY. My body was confused when it decided to welcome the bad cells but just as easily we kicked them the heck out. :)

One thing I cannot help but think of is all the people that don't get the good news. I truly do continue to pray for the ones that have lost the battle and the ones that fight for their lives everyday. I am thankful for my fortune and have decided to do more for those that cannot live a normal life because of cancer - especially the children. I know that one little thing may seems senseless or silly but for a cancer patient it can mean the world.

I am blessed beyond words. I have the best Doctors, family, friends and coworkers. Life is good and I am glad it chose me. I now know the value of MY life.



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